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Find a doctor, dentist, hospital or other provider

Your Aetna Medicare Advantage PPO Plan with Extended Service Area (ESA) gives you the flexibility to see any provider, in or out of network, at the same cost, according to the costs listed on your plan benefits summary. They just have to be licensed, eligible to receive Medicare payments and willing to accept your plan.

When you need a doctor or need medical care, questions come up, especially if you have a new health plan. 


Can I see my doctor?


What’s the cost?

And the ever looming: Is this in or out of network? 

With the Aetna Medicare Advantage PPO plan with Extended Service Area, you can ask one less question. 

That’s because if the doctor, specialist or hospital is eligible to receive payment from Medicare ... 

and accepts your plan … 

… you’re all set. 

This is an open access plan, which means you have the freedom to see your doctor … 

… and any other providers who accept your plan and are eligible to receive payment from Medicare. 

You pay the same cost for any doctor or hospital, according to the costs listed on your plan’s benefit summary. 

It doesn’t matter if the provider is in … 

… or out of network, and you don’t need a referral. 

What if I want to see a specialist in New Jersey but I live in another state?

You’re covered.

What if I need to see a doctor when I’m visiting my grandkids in Michigan? 

You’re covered.

What if I need to go to a hospital while spending the winter in Florida?  You’re covered.


You’re always covered if you have a medical emergency or need urgent care, regardless of the hospital network. 

Have questions about whether a provider will accept your Aetna Medicare Advantage plan? We can check if a provider is eligible to accept Medicare and if they are known to accept the Aetna Medicare PPO plan with Extended Service area. 


We can also confirm what you will pay and answer any other questions you may have. Just call the number on your ID card. 


Does Aetna support you where you live and nationwide? With this open access plan, there’s no question. 

Aetna Medicare is a HMO, PPO plan with a Medicare contract Enrollment in our plans depends on contract renewal. See Evidence of Coverage for a complete description of plan benefits, exclusions, limitations and conditions of coverage. Plan features and availability may vary by service area. The provider may change at any time. You will receive notice when necessary. Participating physicians, hospitals and other health care providers are independent contractors and are neither agents nor employees of Aetna. The availability of any particular provider cannot be guaranteed, and provider network composition is subject to change.

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Note: You can share this flyer with your provider to help them better understand your PPO plan with an ESA.