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Personal phone appointments can help you feel comfortable with Medicare so that you can get the most out of your plan. We can discuss topics such as the Aetna Medicare Advantage plan, selecting your providers, Medicare eligibility and more.
Our online scheduling system allows you to pick a date and time that works best for you. All appointments are scheduled for 45 minutes to ensure we’ve set aside enough time to meet your needs.
Meet with the first available representative
Choose a date and time to speak with us. We’ll automatically assign the first available Aetna representative to give you a call.
Call us ${memberhours}.
SHBP (State and Local Government retirees): ${groupPhoneNumberSHBP} (TTY: 711)
SEHBP (Education retirees): ${groupPhoneNumberSEHBP} (TTY: 711)
Call us ${memberhours}.
SHBP (State and Local Government retirees): ${groupPhoneNumberSHBP} (TTY: 711)
SEHBP (Education retirees): ${groupPhoneNumberSEHBP} (TTY: 711)
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Please note that following this link will take you to a public Aetna site and not all links on this public page will apply to your Medicare Advantage plan.